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Arthi Patel kicking off the Vanuatu AHP learning event with some concrete knowledge brokering ideas.


    By Kate Duggan

    Australia’s civil society partnerships are a gateway to Pacific communities. The Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) Disaster Ready program is working with international and local civil society groups and Pacific communities to better prepare for and recover quickly from disasters. We know that Pacific Islanders are highly vulnerable to disasters and that these are getting worse with climate change. 

    The Climate Partnership Support Unit is working with Disaster Ready teams to help provide good information about the impacts of climate change, and shape activities that civil society and communities can take to build their resilience. We are working with a number of Disaster Ready projects that we can work with to tailor and broker climate information so it is useful and can make a difference. These include managing drought in PNG by better understanding the increasing El Nino threat; and rating churches and church facilities as shelters, and understanding what might be needed to make these facilities better able to withstand cyclones and floods.

    Sent by Kate Duggan 4.6 years ago
